New Promo: Midjungards - From Scandza - (Viking / Thrash Metal) Monday July 24 2023, 4:01 PM
New Promo: Midjungards - From Scandza - (Viking / Thrash Metal)

Release Date: 17th March 2023

FFO: Kreator, Slayer, Amon Amarth

Location: Helsinki - Finlandia

Midjungards borns on 6th November 2006. When the band Hell-Train dissapears, Toni starts to compose music for the new band. For different reasson the band does not plays its first show until October 2011 with the name Viriato in the pub Darkness of Sedavi (Spain). In this concert the band is composed of the members: Toni, Nanda, Panollo and Pascual. After this concert the band the band dissapears for family reassons. From this perios most of the material of From Scandza was composed and recorded with low quality. During many years the band stays in stand by mode improving some compositions and developing the idea of the band in the cold lands of Finland with an eye on warm Spain. Is during this period where the concept of the band is developped further. The concept of the band gets more close to the amazing history of the ancient goths. Toni learn the ancient goth languages and get very deep into their long history to get all the inspiration needed. During the years 2021-2022 dramatic family facts happen and the project that has been encubated for many years has a drastic boost. With the help of the ex-drummer of Parking Fox Paco Muñoz at the drums, Toni goes to Finnvox studios to records the first album of Midjungards: "From Scandza". Meanwhile Toni start to looking member for the band, first tries with members of known finnish band from Hyvinkää (Finland), but finally this idea does not work out. Finally, the Finnish/Mexican guitarrist Israel Real (Bladzam, Dead Loss, Sacrament) joins the band bringing strength and stability to the band. A bit later bass player Tatu Ruotsalainen (Dead Loss) and Timmo Salakka a professional drummer comming from Jazz will join the band and geting it ready for their debut with Thyrfing, Verikalpa and Pahan Ikoni in Tampere and Helsinki.

The band has been also confirmed for some big festivals. And it is ready for the journey. This is the beginning of long time journey that will bring us to an amazing world of music and feeling. A band created from the most deep of the heart.

From Scandza is the album of Midjungards that will be released on 17th March 2023. Midjungards is a band inspired in the magic world of the ancient goths. It brings the magic of the classic world to our days. This album make us travel from the origin of the ancient goths until their last legendary battles and legacy. Get ready for to enter in a magic work full of metal energy!

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Foto de Toni.jpg

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